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. 2021 May 12;8:635083. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2021.635083

Table 1.

Overview of the studies included in the meta-analysis.

References Methods for determining the infarct size Sample size (n) Melatonin administration Reperfusion medical strategies Target disease Effect Risk of bias
Gögenur et al. (15) Levels of troponin I 50 Melatonin orally and intraoperatively CABG Elective abdominal aortic aneurysm repair CP High
Ghaeli et al. (16) Levels of troponin T 40 Melatonin orally PCI AMI No effect High
Dwaich et al. (17) LVEF, levels of troponin I 45 Melatonin orally CABG CABG CP Low
Ekeloef et al. (18) Levels of troponin T, LVEF, and CRM 48 IV and IC melatonin PCI AMI No effect Low
Dominguez-Rodriguez et al. (19) Levels of troponin I, LVEF, and CRM 125 IV and IC melatonin PCI AMI CP in the first tertile (early after symptom onset) Low
Shafiei et al. (20) LVEF 88 Melatonin orally CABG CABG CP Low

AMI, acute myocardial infarction; CABG, coronary artery bypass grafting; CP, cardioprotection; CRM, cardiovascular magnetic resonance; IC, intracoronary; IV, intravenous; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; PCI; percutaneous coronary intervention.