Fig. 5. The electrochemical performances of Zn metal batteries.
The cycling performances of Zn/Zn cells using pristine separator and Sn-coated separator tested at a 2 mA/cm2 and 2 mAh/cm2, b 5 mA/cm2 and 5 mAh/cm2, and c 10 mA/cm2 and 10 mAh/cm2. d Comparison of cycling performance (cumulated capacity vs. cycling capacity) in this work and previously reported works (vertical graphene separator41; polyacrylonitrile separator39; reduced graphene oxide coated Zn65; carbon-coated Zn66; PVDF/TiO2 layer67; ZnO coating22; polyamide coating37; Kaolin layer34; Al2O3 coating68; TiO2 coating69; indium layer33; MOF layer36; CaCO3 coating70; and polyacrylamide separator71). The electrochemical performances of Zn||MnO2 batteries using pristine separator and Sn-coated separator: e CV at a scan rate of 0.1 mV/s (second cycle); f cycling performances at 0.3 A/g, with Zn foil as the anode.