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. 2021 May 25;11:10845. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-89221-4

Table 1.

Effect of planting density on soil fertility status.

Treatments 2015–16 2016–17 2017–18 2018–19 2019–20
Organic carbon (%)
Control 1.10c 1.21c 1.26c 1.30b 1.34d
HDP-1 1.28abc 1.42b 1.54b 1.60a 1.64c
HDP-2 1.25bc 1.48a 1.52b 1.65a 1.68bc
UHDP-1 1.35ab 1.50a 1.64ab 1.72a 1.75ab
UHDP-2 1.48a 1.58a 1.70a 1.80a 1.82a
Available nitrogen (kg ha−1)
Control 309.3b 341.9c 363.7b,c 385.2c 380.4c
HDP-1 325.0a,b 366.0b 353.7c,d 374.1d 382.1c
HDP-2 310.0b 375.4a,b 342.0d 365.7e 370.1c
UHDP-1 332.1a,b 383.0a 379.2b 401.9b 405.3b
UHDP-2 347.7a 399.0a 402.9a 422.9a 430.1a
Available phosphorus (kg ha−1)
Control 21.5b 32.8b 33.1d 34.1c 34.5c
HDP-1 22.1b 42.8a,b 42.6b,c 44.0b 45.6b
HDP-2 20.4b 40.5a,b 41.1c 42.6b 46.4b
UHDP-1 23.6b 44.8a 45.3b 46.0a,b 48.7a,b
UHDP-2 26.6a 48.9a 49.5a 51.1a 54.6a
Available potassium (kg ha−1)
Control 291.9c 504.6c 495.2c 715.4b 720.1c
HDP-1 315.0b 542.3b 563.6b 800.8a 810.2a
HDP-2 310.1b,c 510.4c 572.8b 621.3c 628.7e
UHDP-1 330.0a,b 560.2a,b 596.4a 681.8b 690.2d
UHDP-2 345.1a 574.3a 575.8a,b 770.0a 775.4b

Means with at least one letter common are not statistically significant using TUKEY's Honest Significant Difference at 5%

Control: Planting at 6 m (row to row) × 6 m (plant to plant) spacing (tree density—277 plants ha−1), HDP-1: Planting at 6 m (row to row) × 3 m (plant to plant) spacing (tree density—555 plants ha−1), HDP-2: Planting at 4 m (row to row) × 4 m (plant to plant) spacing (tree density—625 plants ha−1), UHDP-1: Planting at 4 m (row to row) × 2 m (plant to plant) spacing (tree density—1250 plants ha−1), UHDP-2: Planting at 2 m (row to row) × 2 m (plant to plant) spacing (tree density—2500 plants ha−1).