Fig. 4.
H3K4me3 peaks associated with RERs are significantly enriched in two motifs. (a) Four-cell stage H3K4me3 peaks associated with RERs enriched in the GC-rich motif (motif 1, the enriched E-value is shown on the right). The SP2-, SP3- and SP1-binding sites are shown below the motif (the comparison P-value generated by TOMTOM is shown on the right). (b) PGC11.5 stage H3K4me3 peaks associated with RERs enriched in the AT-rich motif (motif 2). The SRY-binding site is shown below the motif. (c) Conserved binding sites located within the Prpf31 and Frat2 genes; the conserved region containing the binding sites for SP1/SP2/SP3/SRY is highlighted in green