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. 2020 Nov 30;23(6):1068–1073. doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntaa251

Table 2.

Sociodemographic and Smoking Characteristics of Exclusive Cigarette and Exclusive RYO Smokers at Wave 1

Variable Value Exclusive cigarette Exclusive RYO p
Gender Male 1340 (42.65%) 1046 (51.12%) <.001
Female 1802 (57.35%) 1000 (48.88%)
Age Mean (sd) 46.96 (14.97) 43.95 (14.75) <.001
Range 16–86 16–87
Education School level or less 997 (31.73%) 692 (33.82%) .237
A level or college 834 (26.54%) 496 (24.24%)
Degree or above 1215 (38.67%) 795 (38.86%)
Prefer not to say, Don’t know or missing 96 (3.06%) 63 (3.08%)
Social grade ABC1 1948 (62.00%) 1042 (50.93%) <.001
C2DE 1106 (35.20%) 940 (45.94%)
Refused or unknown 88 (2.80%) 64 (3.13%)
Household income Under £30 000 1243 (39.56%) 1902 (53.37%) <.001
£30 000–£44 999 704 (22.41%) 381 (18.62%)
£45 000 and over 592 (18.84%) 214 (10.46%)
Don’t know or Prefer not to say 603 (19.19%) 359 (17.55%)
Smoking status Daily smoker 2222 (70.72%) 1592 (77.81%) <.001
Non-daily smoker 920 (29.28%) 454 (22.19%)
Quit intentions Intention 2335 (74.32%) 1429 (69.84%) <.001
No intention or Don’t know 807 (25.68%) 617 (30.16%)
Noticed stop-smoking website Yes 402 (12.79%) 278 (13.59%) .408
No or Don’t know 2740 (87.21%) 1768 (86.41%)
Visited a stop-smoking website Yes 55 (1.75%) 33 (1.61%) .708
No or Don’t know 3087 (98.25%) 2013 (98.39%)

RYO = roll-your-own. p values are from chi-square tests of independence for categorical variables and independent samples t test for continuous variables.