GMLVQ* analysis, including steroid values, BMI and age, permits very good separation between early and advanced fibrosis (F0‐2 vs F3‐4) in patients with NAFLD (A). ROC AUC analysis is presented in comparison with FIB‐4 (the best‐performing serological test in this analysis) (B). The performance of GMLVQ* to identify patients with cirrhosis (F0‐3 vs F4) is also very good (C), with ROC AUC analysis demonstrating significant improvement in diagnostic ability when compared with NAFLD fibrosis score (the best‐performing serological test in this analysis) (D). BMI, body mass index; FIB‐4, fibrosis‐4 score; GMLVQ, Generalised Matrix Learning Vector Quantisation; NAFLD, non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease; ROC, receiver operating characteristics