Dependent variables
Total cases |
Accrued confirmed cases per city, county, district |
91.171 |
196.051 |
0 |
1671 |
Case rates |
Accrued confirmed cases per 10,000 |
3.557 |
8.155 |
0 |
92.897 |
Degree centrality |
Degree of centrality found using SNA |
2.13 × 10−9
1 |
−1.101 |
4.599 |
4.59 |
Closeness centrality |
Closeness Centrality found using SNA |
−3.45 × 10−9
1 |
−5.77 |
1.361 |
1.85 |
Betweenness centrality |
Betweenness Centrality found using SNA |
−1.04 × 10−9
1 |
−0.514 |
10.257 |
1.39 |
Eigenvector |
Eigenvector found using SNA |
1.23 × 10−9
1 |
−0.182 |
10.356 |
1.46 |
Net population density |
Population/Land Area |
−1.33 × 10−9
1 |
−0.961 |
2.716 |
3.89 |
Net employment density |
Total # Employed/Land Area |
−1.58 × 10−9
1 |
−0.449 |
12.230 |
1.65 |
Population characteristics
% Female |
Total female population/total population |
0.499 |
0.013 |
0.433 |
0.523 |
1.81 |
% 20 s years old |
Total number of people between the ages of 20–29/total population |
11.633 |
5.235 |
2.508 |
66.198 |
1.70 |
% 65+ years old |
Total population of 65+/total population |
21.556 |
8.277 |
8.7 |
40.7 |
4.78 |
Neighborhood resources
No. of doctors/1000 people |
(Total number of doctors/total population) × 1000 |
2.778 |
2.286 |
1 |
19.6 |
1.69 |
Availability of nursing home |
Availability of nursing home (0/1) |
0.552 |
0.498 |
0 |
1 |
1.18 |
Park area/1000 people |
(Total park area/total population) × 1000 |
19,200.83 |
18,499.82 |
0 |
132,334.9 |
1.60 |
Economic factor
Per capita GRDP |
Growth regional domestic product (GRDP)/total population |
33.677 |
30.935 |
8.072 |
385.763 |
1.57 |
Other Control factors
Land area |
Area of city, county, district (km2) |
77.762 |
95.87 |
3.71 |
595.33 |
1.78 |
Dummy for Daegu |
Whether or not include Daegu (0/1) |
0.035 |
0.18 |
0 |
1 |
1.11 |