Fig. 3.
NMR metabolic profiling. a) PCA and b) O-PLS-DA plot of cortex samples. c) Reduced NMR spectra reveal altered metabolites in normalized cortex samples.1: lactate, 2: 4-aminobutyrate, 3: glutamine. d) PCA and e) O-PLS-DA plot of caudate putamen (CPu) samples. f) Reduced NMR spectra reveal altered metabolites in normalized caudate putamen samples.1: 4-aminobutyrate. c, f) Positive covariance corresponds to increased metabolite levels, whereas negative covariance corresponds to decreased metabolite levels in 9-month-old homozygote animals (Tg4-42 +/+) compared to non-transgenic controls (NTG). Predictivity is represented by R2 and Q2.