Figure 1.
The diagram presents a rough outline and relationship between the ascending cognitive arousal system and two emotional arousal systems in the rat brain. The cognitive arousal system (yellow arrows) originates from the locus coeruleus (LC), releases norepinephrine and targets most of the brain but particularly the neocortex. The mesolimbic aversive emotional arousal system (red arrows) originates from the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus (LT) and targets extensive limbic regions through hypothalamus (HYP) to lateral septum (SE) and releases acetylcholine. The mesolimbic appetitive emotional arousal system (blue arrows) originates from the ventral tegmental area (VT) and targets predominantly the nucleus accumbens (AC) and neighboring regions and releases dopamine. Both mesolimbic arousal systems are most probably also reaching the frontal cortex (FC). The diagram shows only the essential parts of these two emotional arousal systems, which represent relevant functional fragments of all cholinergic and dopaminergic neurons in the brain. It is clear at the first glance that the ascending emotional arousal systems are targeting predominantly subcortical limbic regions. Other abbreviations: CE—cerebellum, ME—mesencephalon, OB—olfactory bulb, PO—pons, TH—thalamus.