Figure 3.
Synchronous YUMMER (ER) and YUMM (Y) TIMEs contain different immune cell infiltrations by day 27 post tumor implantation. (a) Nested pie charts demonstrating distributions of various CD45+ immune cell subsets in synchronous ER (ER + Y) and Y (ER + Y) tumors with Y tumor as the inside pie and ER tumor the outside pie. (b) Synchronous ER (red) tumors have increased percentages of CD8+ T cell, cDC1 and macrophage infiltration, whereas synchronous Y (blue) tumors have increased CD4+ T cell, NK cell and monocyte infiltration. (c) The geometric mean fluorescence intensity (gMFI) of the surface MHC Class II I-A/I-E molecule is higher in synchronous ER tumors compared to Y tumors after normalization to unstained cells. Data (mean ± SEM) in (a,b) are pooled from 3–5 mice/group/experiment and representative of at least two independent experiments. The gating schematic for (b) is shown in Supplementary Figure S3. Data (mean ± SEM) in (c) are pooled from 3–5 mice/group. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01. TIME (tumor immune microenvironment); NK (natural killer); cDC1 (dendritic cell type 1); MHC (major histocompatibility complex).