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. 2021 May 12;21(10):3369. doi: 10.3390/s21103369

Table 2.

Examples of 2D-nanomaterial-based biosensors for the detection of mycotoxins.

Analyte Description/Immobilization Details Anal Performance Selectivity Application Ref
Zearalenone APT/AuNP/p-PtNTs/Au +
Thionine-labeled GO
Detection of thionine by DPV
Range: 5 × 10−13–5 × 10−7 g mL−1; DL: 1.67 × 10−13 g mL−1; Stability: decrease of 5.3% after storage for 7 days at 4 °C. Aflatoxin B1, deoxynivalenol and patulin not interfering Spiked maize extract [97]
Fumonisin B1 cDNA/AuNP/GCE + APT/Gr-Th.
Detection of thionine by cyclic voltammetry
Range: 1–106 pg mL−1; DL: 1 pg mL−1; Incubation time with FB1: 25 min; Stability: no change in activity after 21 days at 4 °C Fumonisin B1, Ochratoxin A, zearalenone and not interfering Feed sample spiked at 5 concentration levels [102]
Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) AFB1-BSA/AuNP/GCE + Ab/PtNP-CoTPP-rGO; Detection of H2O2 reduction by DPV DL: 5.0 pg mL−1; Incubation time with sample and Ab-nanostructure conjugates: 25 min Aflatoxins G1, FG2, alpha-fetoprotein, and thyroid-stimulating hormone not interfering. AFB2 interferes due to the cross-reactivity of the AFB1 antibody. Spiked peanut and naturally contaminated peanut [113]
Zearalenone Ab1- N-GS/GCE + NP-PtCo-Ab2. Detection of H2O2 by amperometry at −0.4 V in phosphate buffer pH 5.8 Range: 0.005–25 ng mL−1; DL: 2.1 pg mL−1; Incubation time: NA; Incubation time with NP-PtCo-Ab2: 1 h; Stability: decrease of 5.6% of activity after after7-days in phosphate buffer pH = 5.8 at 4 °C. Aflatoxin, ochratoxin, zeranol, kanamycin, gentamicin not interfering Spiked pig feed [137]
Aflatoxin B1 APT/c-PS/PDDA/Gr/GCE
Detection by EIS
Range: 0.001–0.1 ng mL−1; DL: 0.002 ng mL−1; Stability: decrease to 85% response after 30 days at 4 °C Ochratoxin A not interfering Spiked oil and soy sauce [112]
Aflatoxin B1 Ab/PPy-PPa-rGO
Direct detection by non-faradaic EIS
Range: 10 fg mL−1–10 pg mL−1; DL: 10 fg mL−1; Incubation with AFB1: 50 min Fumonisin B2, Aflatoxins G1 and G2, deoxynivalenol, and ochratoxin A A not interfering Spiked corn [138]
Aflatoxin B1 Ab/rGO–Ni. Detection by DPV using [Fe(CN)6]3−/4− Range: 1–8 ng mL−1; DL: 0.16 ng mL−1; Stability: less than 10% decrease in signal after 6 weeks at 4 °C. OTA not interfering N/A [89]
Ochratoxin A APT/DNA1/Au + DNA2/AuNP–rGO
Detection by EIS, using [Fe(CN)6]4−/3
Range: 1 pg mL−1–50 ng mL−1; DL: 0.3 pg mL−1 (0.74 pM); Incubation time: 120 min (with-OTA). +60 min (with AuNPs–rGO-DNA2) Ochratoxin B, Fumonisin B1 are not interfering Spiked wines [103]
Ochratoxin A OTA-BSA/GCE + Ab-GO-PAMAM-Mn2+ Oxidation of 4-chloro−1-naphthol to an insoluble product. Detection by EIS using [Fe(CN)6]4−/3 Range: 0.1 pg mL−1–30 ng mL−1; DL: 0.055 pg mL−1; Incubation time: 25 min with OTA and anti-OTA-GO-PAMAM-Mn2+, 1 min with KMnO4 and 25 min with 4-chloro−1-naphthol; Stability: 93.5% of activity after 20 days at 4 °C. Ochratoxin B, Aflatoxin B1, B2 and G1; Na+, Cu2+, Fe3+, Mn2+, Zn2+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ not interfering Spiked red wine [139]
Aflatoxin B1 APT/GCE + rGO Detection by DPV using [Fe(CN)6]4−/3− Range: 0.5 nM−4 μM; DL: 0.07 nM; Incubation time: 1 h with AFN1 +1 h with rGO; Stability: decrease of less than 4% in response after 1 week at 4 °C. NA Spiked pasteurized cow milk and human blood plasma spiked [91]
AFB1 MB-APT/COOH-GO/SPCE. Detection of MB by DPV Range: 0.05–6.0 ng mL−1; DL: 0.05 ng mL−1; Incubation time with AFB1: 1 h AFM1, OTA not interfering Spiked beer and wine [111]
Detection by EIS using [Fe(CN)6]4−/3−
Range: 0.1–200 ng mL−1; DL: 0.03 ng mL−1; Incubation time with OTA: 90 min.; Stability: 1 month at 4 °C Fumonisin B1, ochratoxin B not interfering Spiked wine [98]
OTA APT/COOH-GO/SPCE. +Nanoceria (nCe)-OTA; Detection of H2O2 Range: 0.15–50 nM; DL: 1 nM OTB not interfering Cereal [110]
OTA APT/STR/GR/ITO. Detection by DPV using [Fe(CN)6]4−/3 Range: 0.01–1000 ng mL−1; DL: 1 fg mL−1 (buffer); 10 pg mL−1 (spiked sample); Incubation with OTA: 8 min; Stability: 91.4% of initial activity after 7days Malathion and heavy metals tested; malathion appears to interfere Spiked grape juice [105]
OTA APT/cDNA/Au + g-C3N4. Detection −0.8 V in the presence of H2O2, based on the peroxidase-like activity of g-C3N4. Range: 0.2–500 nM; DL: 0.073 nM; Incubation with OTA: 1 h Incubation with 1 mg/mL g-C3N4 solution: 30 min Ochratoxin B and aflatoxin B1 not interfering Spiked red wines, juice and corn [140]
OTA Ab/AuPdAg/MoS2/rGO/GCE.; Detection by DPV using [Fe(CN)6]3−/4 Range: 10 fg mL−1–150 ng mL−1; DL: 5 fg mL−1; Incubation with OTA: 40 min; Stability: 99.6% of activity after 10 weeks; storage conditions not specified Ochratoxin B, aflatoxin B1 IgG and glucose not interfering Spiked coffee and corn [141]
OTA APT/cDNA/Au + MoS2 as peroxidase mimic Detection by amperometry at −0.2 V Range: 0.5 pg mL−1–1.0 ng mL−1.; DL: 0.23 pg mL−1; Incubation time: 25 min at 37 °C with OTA + 25 min at RT with MoS2 + 5 min with H2O2 and hydroquinone; Stability: 90% of activity after 21 days at 4 °C. Ochratoxins B and C, Aflatoxins B1 and B2, Cu2+, Mg2+, Zn2+, and Mn2+ not interfering Spiked red wine [104]
OTA MB-APT/β-CD/Au + MoS2/AuNP + ferrocenecarboxylic acid; Detection by DPV of MB and Fc Range: 0.1 nM and 50 nM; DL: 0.06 nM; Incubation time with the aptamer: 1 h; Stability: 95.4% after 30 days of storage in the dark at 4 °C. Aflatoxins M1 and B1, fumonisin M1, Ochratoxin B and C not interfering Spiked red wine [92]
Ochratoxin A APT/AuNPs/MoSe2/GCE + cDNA + MB; Detection of MB by DPV Range: 0.0001–1 nM; DL: 0.8 pM; Test time: 45 min; Stability: 3.2% decrease in activity after 15 days at 4 °C Ochratoxin B and C and aflatoxin B1 not interfering Spiked red wine [142]
Aflatoxin B1 3DOM MoS2/AuNPs/Au aptamer-including tetrahedral DNA nanostructures + HRP-cDNA/AuNP-SiO2@Fe3O4 + thionine. Detection by DPV Range: 0.1 fg mL−1–0.1 μg mL−1; DL: 0.01 fg mL−1; Incubation time with AFB1: 50 min at 37 °C; Incubation with HRP-cDNA/AuNP-SiO2@Fe3O4: 2.5 h Stability: 91% of initial activity after 1 month at 4 °C. Aflatoxin B, M1, zearalenone and ochratoxin A are not interfering. Spiked rice and wheat powder [99]
OTA b-APT/cDNA/AuNP-MoS2/GCE + STR- AuNP@Cd-MOF−74; Detection of Cd2+ by DPV Range: 0.05–100 ng mL−1; DL: 10 pg mL−1; Incubation time with OTA: 25 min Microcystin (MC)-LR MC-RR), thrombin, and Ochratoxin B not interfering Spiked red wines [143]