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. 2021 May 12;21(10):3369. doi: 10.3390/s21103369

Table 3.

Examples of biosensors including 2D nanomaterials for the detection of marine toxins.

Analyte Description/Immobilization Details Analytical Performances Selectivity Application Ref
Mycrocystin LR (MC-LR) APT/Commercial graphene-modified screen-printed electrode; Detection by SWV using [Fe(CN)6]4–/3 Range: 1.9 pM–1.0 nM; DL: 1.9 pM; Stability: 2.9% decrease in activity after 1 month at 4 °C; Incubation time with MC-LR: 45 min Okadaic acid, microcystin-LA, and microcystin-YR not interfering Spiked fish extract and spiked tap water [107]
MC-LR APT/BiOBr nanoflakes/n-doped graphene/ITO; Photoelectrochimical biosensor Range: 1 pM–100 nM; DL: 3.3 × 102 pM; Incubation time with MC-LR: 30 min; Stability: no change in activity after 2 weeks at 4 °C MC-LA, MC-YR not interfering Spiked fish extract [108]
Cylindrospermopsin APT/Thionine–graphene; Detection by EIS using [Fe(CN)6] 4–/3− Range: 0.39−78 ng mL−1 (1–200 nM); DL: 0.117 ng mL−1 (300 pM); Incubation time with CYN: 2 h; Stability: 88.2% and 74.7% of activity after 14 days and 30 days, respectively of storage in buffer at 4 °C MC-LR, okadaic acid not interfering Spiked lake water [109]
Brevetoxin i Ab-magnetic beads + BTX2-BSA-GGNR+ MCPE; Detection by SWV Range: 1.0 pg mL−1–10 ng mL−1; DL: 1.0 pg mL−1; Incubation time with BTX2: 30 min -Okadaic acid, MC-LR, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Sr2+, Cl, SO4 2−, Br, HCO3, and F not interfering. -BTX1, BTX3 interfere due to the cross-reactivity of the antibody for BTX2 Spiked mollusks extracts [144]
Saxitoxin Ab/Graphene nanosheets—lipid films; Detection by potentiometry. Range: 1 × 10−9 M∓1 × 10−6 M; DL: 1 nM; Response time: less than 20 min Mg2+, Ca2+, HC3−, SO42−, Cl, NO3−, NH4+ not interfering Lake water and shellfish samples; Spiked mussels, oysters, and mollusks [145]
Okadaic Acid Ab/GSPE + okadaic acid-ovalbumin conjugate; Detection by SWV using [Fe(CN)6] 4−/3 Range: up to 5000 ng L−1; DL: 19 ng L−1; Stability: 98% of activity after 40 days at 4 °C Microcystin-LA not interfering Spiked mussel extract [146]
MC-LR Ab-GO-IL -Au NP/GCE; Detection by DPV using [Fe(CN)6]4−/3 Range: 0.1–1000 ng mL−1; DL: 0.1 ng mL−1; Incubation time with MC-LR: 50 min; Stability: 90.58% after 30 days in buffer at 4 °C MC-LA, MC-RR, and MC-YR, as Na+, Ca 2+, K+,Cl, and CO3 2− not interfering Spiked river water [147]
MC-LR APT/AgI-NG/ITO; Photoelectrochemical aptasensor, Range: 0.05 pM–5 nM; DL: 0.017 pM; Incubation time with MC-LR: 20 min; Stability: 94.5% of activity after 2 weeks at 4 °C MC-LA and MC-YR are not interfering Spiked fish [148]
MC-LR Ab/oxidized CVD graphene; Detection by EIS Range: 0.005–10 μg L−1; DL: 2.3 ng L−1; Stability: 92.5% and 83.6% of activity after 1 and 2 weeks of storage at 4 °C. Environmental water samples with TOC 0.53–8.99 mgL−1, total dissolved solid 118–170 mgL−1, sodium, (2.62–7.46 mgL−1), magnesium (4.9–14.67 mgL−1), aluminium (0.25–0.47 mgL−1), potassium (0.02–3.56 mgL−1), calcium (2.29–2.93 mgL−1), manganese (0.49–14.32 µgL−1), iron (0.86–174.2 µgL−1), copper (1.19–7.99 µgL−1) are not interfering Spiked tap water, pond water, and lake water [114]
MC-LR APT/GO-modified printed electrode; (aptamer adsorbed or covalently immobilized; Detection by SWV using [Fe(CN)6]4−/3. Apt/Phys−300 μm; Range: 0.1 nM–1.0 μM
DL: 0.038 nM; Apt/Phys−0.22 μm; Range: 0.1 nM–1.0 μM; DL: 0.088 nM;
Apt/Cov−300 μm; Range: 1 nM−1.0 μM; DL:0.25 nM; Apt/Cov−0.22 μm: Range: 1 nM−1.0 μM; DL: 0.018 nM
Okadaic acid, MC-LA not interfering N/A [149]
Microcystin-L vccccR MC-LR/AuNP@MoS2-TiONB/GCE + biotin-cDNA + Avidin-HRP; Detection by DPV Range: 0.005–30 nM; DL: 0.002 nM; Incubation time: 120 min (60 min with the mixture of cDNA and MC-LR and 60 min with avidin -HRP; Stability: 90% activity after 10 days at 4 °C. MC-LA, MC-YR, atrazine, and trichlorfon are not interfering Spiked tap water, reservoir water and river water [21]
MC-LR Ab1/AuNR/MoS2/+HRP-Ab2; Detection by DPV Range: 0.01–20 μg L−1; DL: 5 ng L−1; Incubation time with MC-LR: 1 h at 37 °C. and incubation with HRP-anti-MC-LR: 1 h at 37 °C; Stability: 99.46% and 95.62% after 1 week and 4 weeks of storage at 4 °C, respectively. MC-RR, Okadaic acid, starch, ascorbic acid, Na+, NH4+, Ca2+, Cl, SO42−, and CO32− not interfering Spiked: lake water, tap water, and drinking water [150]
MC-LR Ab/BSA-stabilized Au nanoclusters/MoS2/Au electrode: +Au@Pt core-shell nanoparticles Detection by DPV Range: 1.0 ngL−1–1.0 mgL−1; DL: 0.3 ngL−1; Incubation time with MC-LR: 1 h at 37 °C. and incubation with Au@Pt: 1 h at 37 °C; Stability: 98% and 92% of initial activity after 1 week and 4 weeks storage at 4 °C MC-RR, MC-LA, dopamine, uric acid, ascorbic acid, Al3+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, NH4+, SO42−, CO32−, NO3− not interfering Spiked water samples
Recoveries: 99.6–101.3%
Okadaic acid APT/phosphorene-gold NP/SPCE Detection by DPV using [Fe(CN)6]3−/4 Range: 10 nM−250 nM; DL: 8 pM Spiked mussel extract [152]