Figure 1.
Patient progression through the PPMA and the UCM models. Patients could choose to seek care from either the PPMA model or the UCM. In the PPMA model, patients are assessed by either a pharmacist or a physician (walk-in, ED or family physician). The prescriber has the option of recommending a prescription product, over the counter (OTC) product or not recommend anything. If the ailment does not resolve following the first round of treatment, the patient returns for a second round of assessment, either from a pharmacist or a physician. Alternatively, in the UCM, patients are assessed only by a physician (walk-in, ED or family physician). All patients were assumed to recover after one or two rounds of treatment. Abbreviations: PPMA, pharmacists prescribing for minor ailment; UCM, usual care model; RPh, registered pharmacist; FMD, family physician; ED, emergency department; URTI, upper respiratory tract infection; CD, contact dermatitis.