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. 2020 Mar 6;11(14):3592–3603. doi: 10.1039/c9sc06445a

Experimental (Exp.) g values compared to calculated (calc.) onesa as well as relative electronic energies of the investigated radical cations with different point groups and comparison to the already reported [Cr(CO)6]+˙.

[Cr(CO)6]+˙ [Mo(CO)6]+˙ [W(CO)6]+˙
D 3d D 4h D 3d D 4h D 3d D 4h
ΔEb 0.00 136 (1.6) 0.00 204 (2.4) 0.00 710 (8.5)
g Exp. 2.185 2.374 1.722
Calc. 2.173 2.434 2.408 2.216 2.701 2.164
g Exp. 1.947 1.800 2.427
Calc. 1.971 1.761 1.848 1.956 0.977 1.212
g iso Exp. 2.106c 2.058c 2.192d
Calc.e 2.106c 2.210c 2.221c 2.129c 2.126 1.847

For details of the g-value calculations please refer to theESI. Values for [Cr(CO)6]+˙ taken from ref. 2.


Electronic energies (in cm−1, in brackets: kJ mol−1) were calculated at the DLPNO-CCSD(T)/def2-TZVPP level of theory using structures optimized with TPSSh-D3BJ/def2-TZVPP.


g iso = (2g + g)/3.


g iso = (g + 2g)/3.


The better accordance of the isotropic g-value of D4h with experiment must not be misinterpreted: deviations in the calculation of the perpendicular component g enter twofold.