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. 2020 May 13;1(1):tgaa017. doi: 10.1093/texcom/tgaa017

Table 1.

Summary of results from correlation analysesa

Analysis Data selection Monkey T Monkey M LO Monkey M HI
Significant correlations Negative correlations Stronger correlation than trial-shuffles Significant correlations Negative correlations Stronger correlation than trial-shuffles Significant correlations Negative correlations Stronger correlation than trial-shuffles
Task-related Short pref. 65/204 (32%) 57/65 (88%) 4/65 (2%) 75/417 (18%) 61/75 (81%) 7/75 (2%) 113/417 (27%) 93/113 (82%) 11/113 (3%)
Short nonpref. 43/173 (25%) 26/43 (60%) 0/43 60/379 (16%) 37/60 (62%) 4/60 (1%) 82/379 (22%) 48/82 (59%) 9/82 (2%)
Long pref. 55/194 (28%) 44/55 (80%) 3/55 (2%) 62/408 (15%) 50/62 (81%) 12/62 (3%) 76/408 (19%) 70/76 (92%) 11/76 (3%)
Long nonpref. 34/180 (19%) 18/34 (53%) 1/34 (1%) 44/371 (12%) 22/44 (50%) 7/44 (2%) 59/371 (16%) 34/59 (58%) 9/59 (2%)
Trial-by-trial pre-SC Short 7/173 (4.0%) 3/7 21/369 (5.7%) 5/21 17/369 (4.6%) 8/17
Long 6/171 (3.5%) 4/6 18/373 (4.8%) 9/18 13/373 (3.5%) 6/13
Trial-by-trial pre-TC Short 2/171 (1.2%) 2/2 25/340 (7.4%) 12/25 28/340 (8.2%) 15/28
Long 6/170 (3.5%) 5/6 20/349 (5.7%) 7/20 25/349 (7.2%) 8/25

aNumbers and percentages of beta-neuron pairs with significant task-related and trial-by-trial correlations are presented separately for Monkey T and monkey M low (LO) and high (HI) beta bands. Short and long delay trials are presented separately. Neuronal preferred and nonpreferred movement directions are presented separately for task-related correlations. The proportions of significant correlations with negative sign are specified in separate columns. For the task-related correlation analyses, the numbers of pairs with a significantly stronger correlation coefficient in the original data than in the trial-shuffled resampling control data are specified in separate columns, and their percentages are shown with respect to the total number of analyzed pairs.