Reliable heterogeneous responses of local GoC network to air puff to the whisker
(A) Event rates for 20 GoCs on 4 individual trials, and trial-averaged responses aligned to air puff applied to the ipsilateral whiskers (red bar) for an example session.
(B) Air puff-triggered Loco, WAmp, and WMI for the same example sessions as in (A). Early (0–300 ms) and late (300–800 ms) epochs, characterized by low and high behavioral variability, respectively.
(C) Left: schematic showing similarity of GoC response S(t); dot product between population activity vectors r(t) for same time bins t aligned to puff for each pair of trials, and averaged across all pairs. Right: profile of similarity across trials for GoC population response (black) and WMI (red), as a function of time from puff onset. CV, coefficient of variation. Shaded region (gray) shows SEM across sessions (n = 12/N = 5 animals). The same sessions were used in (C)–(G).
(D) Inter-trial (filled) and intra-trial (white) variability in response to air puff. Left: SD of latency to first event and peak event rate, for single neurons across trials and across neurons within the same network. Right: inter-trial and intra-trial SD of event rate for early (0–300 ms; red) and late (300–800 ms; blue) periods. Scatter denotes individual session; bar and error bar denote means ± SEMs across sessions.
(E) Mean air puff-triggered response (event rate, with PM1, Z scored for each type) for 3 classified types (n = 85,161,15 GoCs in classes I, II, and III, respectively, N = 5 animals), compared to time-shuffled responses (gray).
(F) Response variability for class I and II GoCs. Left: SD and mean latency to first event across trials for all class I (orange) and class II (blue) GoCs. Right: CV for event rate during early and late epochs (n = 261 neurons).
(G) Mean distance for GoCs based on puff response (grouped by class in E). No significant difference between within-class and across-class distances. Scatter represents individual sessions; bars with error bars represent means ± SEMs across sessions.
See also Figure S6.