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. 2021 May 13;11(5):410. doi: 10.3390/jpm11050410

Table 2.

Dosimetry of the dose distribution for accelerated partial breast irradiation, taking into account the parameters of the mean dose, Dmax, V5, and V20 in OAR (the heart, LAD, and lungs).

First Author Year Number of Patients Target Total Dose [Gy] Delivery Technique OAR Mean Dose Dmax V5 V20
Fogliata [32] 2002 5 whole breast, left-sided breast cancer 50 PBS Heart 2.2 19.3 - -
Lungs 3.5 43.8 10.40% -
Lomax [33] 2003 no patients, the analyses of plans whole breast, internal mammary, supraclavicular, and axillary nodes 50 PBS Heart 5.8 53.8 39.0 -
Lung 12.6 - - V50:11.5
Ares [34] 2010 20 whole breast, left-sided breast cancer 50 PBS Heart 1.0 - 2.0 V22.5:0.0
Left Lung 7.0 - 0.0 17.0
Right Lung 0.0 - 0.0 0.0
MacDonald [42] 2013 12 whole breast, left-sided breast cancer after mastectomy 50.4 3DCPT Heart 0.44 - - 0.01%
Lungs 6 - - 12.70%
Jimenez [35] 2013 5 whole breast, left-sided breast cancer, bilateral implants 50.4 IMPT Heart - - 2.80% 0.40%
Left Lung - - 14.90% 4.30%
Right Lung - - 13.50% 4.10%
Mast [43] 2014 20 whole breast 42.56 IMPT BH
Heart 0.1 0.3 0.1% 0.0%
LAD-region 0.3 1.8 0.4% 0.0%
Left Lung 1.5 23.6 7.1% 2.5%
Heart 0.2 1.2 0.5 0.1
LAD-region 0.7 4.5 2.8 9.7
Left Lung 1.6 27 7.7 2.8
Xu [36] 2014 10 whole breast, left-sided breast cancer 50 3DCPT Heart 1 - 7% 0%
Left Lung 5.5 - 50% 31%
Right Lung 0.4 - 1% 0%
Flejmer [37] 2015 10 whole breast, breast cancer (5 left-sided and 5 right-sided) postoperative radiation treatment 50 IMPT Heart 0.2 - - -
LAD-region 1.4 - - -
Left Lung 6.3 - V10:25.8% 10.50%
Right Lung 0 - - -
Fagundes [38] 2015 10 left-sided stage III breast cancer after mastectomy, the chest wall, axilla levels I to III, the supraclavicular and internal mammary nodes (IMN) 50.4 PBS Heart 1.2 - - V25:1.2
LAD-region 7 27.6 - -
Left Lung - - 41.30 0.28
Right Lung - - 0.3 0.04
Cuaron [44] 2015 30 27 left-sided, 3 right-sided, nonmetastatic breast cancer, postoperative, unfavourable cardiopulmonary anatomy 50.4 PBS Heart 1 - 5.00% 1.16%
Lungs - - 34.35% 7.31%
Lin [39] 2015 10 whole breast, left-sided breast cancer 50 PBS Heart 0.011 - 0.00% 0.00%
LAD-region 0.031 - - -
Lungs 0.88 - 4.70% 0.00%
Bradley [40] 2015 10 whole breast, BCT-breast-conserving therapy, postmastectomy 50.4 PBS Heart 0.6 - 2.70% 1.00%
LAD-region 1.7 30.5 - -
Left Lung 11.0 - 35.30% 21.60%
Patel [45] 2017 10 whole breast, left breast cancer referred for PMRT 50.4 PBS BH
Heart 0.7 - - 0.40%
LAD-region - 4.6 - -
Left Lung 7.5 - - 14.43%
Heart 0.98 - - 0.86%
LAD-region - 4.58 - -
Left Lung 7.49 - - 14.43%
Oden [46] 2017 12 whole breast, left-sided breast cancer 50 IMPT Heart 0.1 - - -
LAD-region 1.6 - - -
Left Lung 1.3 - - 1.40%
2017 10 whole breast, postoperative left-sided breast cancer, after conserving surgery 50 IMPT Heart 0.5 - - 0.60%
LAD-region 0.7 - - -
Left Lung 3.3 - - 5.80%
Luo [48] 2018 42 whole breast, left-sided breast cancer after mastectomy 50.4 3DCPT Heart 0.7 16.3 4.30% 0.50%
Left Lung - - 34.00% 16.10%
De Rose [41] 2019 20 10 in the breast-conserving surgery group and 10 post-mastectomy patients 50 IMPT Heart 0.4 - - -
Left Lung 6.2 - 28.50% 12.20%

OAR—organ at risk; Dmax: maximum dose; V5—the volume of organ receiving 5 Gy; V20—the volume of organ receiving 20 Gy; APBI—accelerated partial breast irradiation; 3DCPT—three-dimensional conformal proton therapy; IMPT—intensity modulated proton therapy; PBS—pencil beam scanning; LAD—the left anterior descending artery; BH—breath holding, FB—free breathing.