(a) FTIR spectra in amide-I and amide
II regions of RS, RS/f-CNTs,
and RS/CNTs. Peak deconvolution carried out by peak assignment to
the secondary structures: 1650 cm–1 (random coil)
and 1620 cm–1 (β-sheet) for amide I and 1540
cm–1 (random coil) for amide II. (b) Quantitative
analysis of secondary structures in RS, RS/CNTs, and RS/f-CNTs films,
respectively. (c) Stress/stretch curves for the RS, RS/CNTs, and RS/f-CNTs
films. (d) Tensile strength and elongation at break of the prepared
specimens calculated from tensile curves. DSC thermograms for the
RS, RS/CNTs, and RS/f-CNTs films (e) before and (f) after UV irradiation,
respectively. Dashed lines indicate the Tg values.