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. 2021 May 14;10(5):434. doi: 10.3390/biology10050434

Table 2.

Medicinal plants of Baltis and Shinas in the buffer zone of Deosai National Park, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan.

Name/Family/Voucher Number Local Name Habit PU DF Ad Disease(s) Treated RSU RFC
Aconitum violaceum Jacquem. ex. Stapf./Ranunculaceae/DNP71 Buma (B/S) Herb Root (B/S) Decoction (B); Powder (S) Oral (B); Oral and topical (S) Abdominal pain, flatulence (B); Ringworm, typhoid (S) No 78.26
Allardia tomentosa Decne./Asteraceae/DNP41 Tarkhan (B) Herb Flowers (B) Decoction (B) Oral (B) Menstrual cramps, abdominal pain (B) No 41.30
Allardia tridactylites (Kar. and Kir.) Sch. Bip. /Asteraceae/DNP42 Patkanstwa (B) Herb Whole plant (B) Decoction (B) Oral (B) Food poisoning (B) No 28.26
Allium carolinianum DC./Amaryllidaceae /DNP35 Refor (B); Kachpauk (S) Herb Bulb (B);
Leaves (S)
Infusion (B); Boiled leaves (S) Oral (B/S) Pharyngitis, bronchitis (B); Constipation (S) Yes 67.39
Arnebia benthamii Wall. ex G. Don/Boraginaceae/DNP51 Thang marsi (B); Kazaban(S) Herb Root (B/S) Mixed with oil (B); Decoction (S) Topical (B); Oral (S) Hair tonic (B); Diabetes, pneumonia (S) No 43.47
Artemisia brevifolia Wall./Asteraceae/DNP43 Bursay (B); Zoon (S) Herb Aerial parts (B/S) Decoction (B); Powder (S) Oral (B/S) Vermifuges (B); Hypertension (S) Yes 71.73
Artemisia scoparia Waldst. and Kitam./Asteraceae/DNP45 Khobursay (B); Zoon (S) Herb Flowers (B);
Leaves (S)
Decoction (B); Paste (S) Oral (B); Oral and topical (S) Vermifuge, urethritis (B); Ring worm, indigestion (S) Yes 56.52
Berberis pseudumbellata R. Parker/Berberidaceae/DNP48 Skiurbu (B); Ishkeen (S) Shrub Root (B);
Root, Leaves (S)
Decoction (B/S); Leaves eaten (S) Oral (B/S) Hepatitis, diabetes (B/S) Yes 32.60
Bergenia stracheyi (Hook. f. and Thomson) Engl./Saxifragaceae/DNP76 Shapur (B); Sansper (S) Herb Root (B/S) Decoction (B/S) Oral (B/S) Stomach ulcer (B); Hepatitis, hypertension (S) No 60.86
Betula utilis D. Don/Betulaceae/DNP49 Jongi (S) Tree Bark (S) Powder (S) Oral and topical (S) Back ache, leg pain (S) Yes 34.78
Bistorta affinis (D. Don) Greene/Polygonaceae/DNP67 Chomoi (S) Herb Rhizome (S) Powder Oral (S) Diarrhoea, fever (S) No 54.34
Carum bulbocastanum (L.) Koch/Apiaceae/DNP39 Karpho thalay (B); Hayyo (S) Herb Seeds (B/S) Decoction (B/S) Oral (B/S) Gastric ulcer (B); Abdominal pain (S) Yes 43.47
Carum carvi L./Apiaceae/DNP38 Naqpo thalay (B); Hayyo (S) Herb Seeds (B/S) Decoction (B); Seeds eaten (S) Oral (B/S) Gastric ulcer, gastric trouble (B); Abdominal pain (S) No 60.80
Chenopodium foliosum Asch/Chenopodiaceae/DNP52 Suyaro (S) Herb Leaves (S) Paste (S) Oral (S) Oedema, diabetes (C) No 13.04
Codonopsis clematidea (Schrenk) C.B. Clarke/Campanulaceae Bajo mindoq (B); Tumtaq (S) Herb Flowers (B/S) Infusion (B/S) Oral (B, S) Stress relief (B); Male sexual tonic (S) No 39.13
Cousinia thomsonii C.B. Clarke./Asteraceae/DNP40 Charchu (B) Herb Flowers (B) Powder (B) Topical (B); Oral (S) Pimples, boils, pustules (B); Constipation (S) No 43.47
Delphinium brunonianum Royle/Ranunculaceae Makhoting (B); Mahoti (S) Herb Flowers (B);
Whole plant (S)
Powder + oil (B); Decoction (S) Topical (B); Oral (S) Hair tonic (B); Asthma, pneumonia, hair tonic (S) No 78.26
Dracocephalum heterophyllum Benth./Lamiaceae/DNP61 Triba (B) Herb Flowers (B) Decoction (B) Oral (B) Abdominal pain, flatulence (B) Yes 60.86
Ephedra gerardiana Wall. ex Stapf/Ephedraceae/DNP55 Chay (B); Soom (S) Shrub Fruit, Root (B/S) Juice, Root paste (B/S) Oral (B/S) Tonic and eye pain (B); Asthma, bronchitis (S) No 52.17
Fagopyrum esculentum Moench/Polygonaceae /DNP65 Bro (B) Herb Seeds (B) Powder (B) Oral (B) Diabetes, stomach ulcer (B) Yes 26.08
Galium boreale L./Rubiaceae/DNP73 Shatong (B) Herb Fruits (B) Powder (B) Oral (B) Hepatitis (B) No 60.86
Gentiana olivieri Griseb/Gentianaceae/DNP57 Tikta (B) Herb Flowers (B) Powder (B) Oral (B) Diabetes (B) Yes 45.34
Gentiana tianschanica Rupr. ex Kusn./Gentianceae/DNP59 Palmat (S) Herb Flowers, Leaves (S) Powder (S) Oral (B) Blood tonic, hemorrhoids (B) Yes 43.47
Heracleum candicans Wall. ex DC./Apiaceae/DNP37 Ghang (B) Herb Root Powder (B) Topical (B) Boils, pimples, pustules (B) Yes 39.13
Hippophae rhamnoides L./Elaeagnaceae/DNP54 Karsokh (B); Buru (S) Shrub Fruits (B);
Fruits, Seeds (S)
Jam, Powder (B); Paste (S) Oral and topical (B/S) Cancer, diabetes, dermatitis (B); Pertussis, cutaneous eruptions (S) Yes 56.52
Juniperus excelsa M. Bieb./Cupressaceae/DNP53 Shukpa (B); Chilli (S) Tree Fruits (B/S) Decoction (B); Dry eaten (S) Oral (B/S) Stomach ulcer, fever, diabetes (B); Kidney stones, diabetes (S) Yes 23.91
Jurinea dolomiaea Boiss. /Asteraceae/DNP46 Sathing (B);Gogal Dhoop (S) Herb Root (B);
Leaves (S)
Paste (B/S) Topical (B/S) Fever, cold (B); Wounds, cutaneous eruptions (S) Yes 52.17
Mentha royleana Wall. ex Benth./Lamiaceae /DNP63 Foling (B); Phileel (S) Herb Leaves (B/S) Decoction (B/S) Oral (B/S) Hypertension, abdominal pain, obesity (B/S) Yes 78.26
Myosotis alpestris F.W. Schmid/Boraginaceae/DNP50 Mandaqskor (B) Herb Flowers (B) Decoction (B) Oral (B) Abdominal pain, fever (B) Yes 34.78
Nepeta leucolaena Benth. ex Hook. f./Lamiaceae/DNP62 Azoomal (B) Herb Flowers, Leaves (B) Decoction (B) Oral (B) Gastric ulcer (B) No 39.13
Pleurospermum candollei Benth. ex C.B. Clarke in Hook.f./Apiaceae/DNP36 Shamdun (B) Herb Flowers (B) Decoction (B) Oral (B) Stomatitis, constipation, abdominal ache (B) Yes 41.30
Ranunculus repens L./Ranunculaceae/DNP70 Khser mandoq (B) Herb Flowers, Leaves (B) Paste mix with oil (B) Topical (B) Pimples, pustules (B) Yes 21.37
Rheum australe D./Polygonaceae/DNP66 Lachu (B); Chontal (S) Herb Root (B);
Root, Leaves (S)
Powder (B); Decoction (S) Oral (B/S) Stomach ulcer (B); Laxative, dyspepsia (S) Yes 69.56
Ribes alpestre Wall. ex Decne./Glossulariaceae/DNP60 Askuta (B); Churkani (S) Shrub Fruits (B)
Leaves (S)
Eaten fresh, Paste (B/S) Oral and topical (B/S) Ringworm, blood tonic (B/S) No 84.78
Rosa webbiana Wall.ex Royle/Rosaceae/DNP72 Siya marfo (B); Shighaye (S) Shrub Leaves, Root, Seeds (B/S) Decoction (B/S) Oral (B/S) Jaundice, anemia, tonic (S/B) No 58.69
Rubia cordifolia L./Rubiaceae/DNP74 Zghinoq (B) Herb Root (B) Powder (B) Oral (B) Skin inflammation, joint pain (B) No 32.60
Rumex hastatus D. Don./Polygonaceae/DNP68 Churki (S) Herb Root (S) Powder Topical (S) Closed bone fractures (S) No 39.13
Rumex nepalensis Spreng./Polygonaceae/DNP69 Hubable (S) Herb Root (S) Powder Oral and topical (S) Backache, abdominal pain (S) Yes 36.95
Solanum nigrum L./Solanaceae/DNP77 Drumba Shoghlo (B); Gabeeli (S) Herb Seeds (B/S) Roasted seeds (B/S) Topical (B/S) Toothache (B/S) Yes 52.17
Swertia petiolata D. Don./Gentianaceae/DNP58 Brama (B); Mumiri (S) Herb Leaves (B); Root (S) Decoction, Paste, Powder (B/S) Oral (B); Topical (S) Hepatitis, pneumonia, dysentery (B); Conjunctivitis (S) No 71.73
Tanacetum falconeri Hook. f./Asteraceae /DNP44 Tyalo (B); Flagyl(S) Herb Flower (B/S) Decoction (B/S) Oral (B/S) Body ache, fever (B); Diarrhea, dysentery, abdominal pain (S) Yes 67.39
Taraxacum officinale (L.) Weber ex F.H. Wigg/Asteraceae/DNP47 Khoshmas (B); Guleikasidi (S) Herb Whole plant (B); Leaves (S) Boiled leaves (B/S) Oral (B/S) Diabetes, constipation (B/S) No 43.47
Thymus linearis Benth./Lamiaceae/DNP64 Tumburuk (B); Tumuro (S) Herb Whole plant (B/S) Decoction (B/S) Oral (B/S) Flatulence, abdominal pain (B); Cough, asthma (S) Yes 60.86
Trifolium repens L./Fabaceae/DNP56 Skabuksuk (B); Chapati (S) Herb Flowers (B/S) Decoction (B/S) Oral (B/S) Pneumonia (B); Bronchitis (S) Yes 56.52
Urtica dioica L./Urticaceae/DNP78 Khashoshing (B); Jhoomi (S) Herb Aerial parts (B/S) Boiled leaves (B/S) Oral (B); Topical (B) Constipation (B); Pustule, cutaneous eruptions (S) Yes 43.47
Verbascum thapsus L./Scrophulariaceae /DNP75 Apo Tambaku (B); Tamakush (S) Herb Flowers, Seeds (B); Leaves, Flowers (S) Decoction (B/S) Oral (B/S) Tonic, labor pain (B); Bronchitis, tuberculosis (S) No 56.52
Viola serpens Wall.ex Ging./Violaceae/DNP79 Skor mindoq (B); Lelo (S) Herb Flowers (B/S) Decoction (B/S) Oral (B/S) Abdominal pain, flatulence (B); Bronchitis (S) No 56.52

B: Baltis, S: Shinas, PU: Part(s) used, DF: Drug formulation, Ad: Administration, RSU: Reports with the same uses.