Isotropic growth guided by a unidirectional field. Finite element model of a simple cube deforms in response to a linear growth field, ϑg, with respect to the X1 direction (a). Based on this growth field, the invariant of the incompatibility tensor Curl Fg : Curl Fg is obtained (b). There are only six constraints to prevent rigid body motion, but elastic free energy accumulates across the domain due to the incompatibility of the growth field (c). The local Burgers vector density b is derived with respect to the standard basis in 3D Euclidean space, . The arrows in (d) are scaled relative to the magnitude of |b|. For along the X1 direction, there is no incompatibility. For the other two directions, b lies on the plane defined by and orthogonal to the growth direction. The magnitude of |b| shows an inverse trend compared to the growth value ϑg (e). The components of second Piola-Kirchhoff stress, S33 and S22, are matched with the local Burgers vector direction in (d) respectively when is not X1 direction (second and third in f), while S11 is plotted when there is no local Burgers vector (first in f). The free energy density and the invariant Curl Fg : Curl Fg are also plotted (g), showing that while incompatibility decreases along X1, the strain energy is highest at the boundary, with another local maximum at the center of the domain.