miR-7 liposomes inhibited SKOV3 cell proliferation, invasion,
migration. (A) Images showing the clonogenic ability of SKOV3 cells
following treatment with PBS, free miR-7, Lipo2000 + miR-7, and miR-7
liposomes at a miR-7 dose of 100 nM. (B) Quantification of the SKOV3
colonies of (A). (C) Cell viability of the SKOV3 cells following treatments
with PBS, free miR-7, Lipo2000 + miR-7, and miR-7 liposomes at a miR-7
dose of 100 nM after 72 h. (D) Migration and invasion assays showed
that miR-7 liposomes had the strongest inhibitory effect on the invasion
and migration abilities of SKOV3 cells compared with the control group,
free miR-7 group, and Lipo2000 + miR-7 group at a miR-7 dose of 100
nM. The error bars represent ±SD; Student’s t-test was performed for statistical analysis; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, and ***p < 0.001.