Figure 6. Summary of odor representation across macroglomerular complex (MGC) units.
(A) Mean individual neurons’ responses (ΔMZIFR; delta mean Z-scored instantaneous firing rate, for details see 'Spike data analysis' in 'Materials and methods') of MGC medial/mediolateral-tract projection neurons (PNs) during stimulation with distinct female-produced odors, sorted according to the dendritic arborizations. Data is presented in mean + sem. Note that the PNs listed as innervating the cumulus (Cu), dma, and dmp were uniglomerular, while the PNs in the MGC category were multiglomerular. (B) Mean calcium imaging responses (ΔF340/F380) of populations of MGC medial-tract PNs during stimulation with distinct female-produced odors, sorted according to the innervated glomerulus. The ‘broad’ responses in calcium imaging, as compared with the electrophysiological data, may be derived from the inclusion of multiglomerular mALT PNs. (C) Mean responses to pheromone mixture and primary pheromone in individual PNs (left) and in calcium imaging tests (right). Data is presented in mean + sem. PM, pheromone mixture; PP, primary pheromone; SP, secondary pheromone; BA, behavioral antagonist.