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. 2021 May 26;18(5):e1003632. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1003632

Table 1. Patient records and Plasmodium detection.

Age, Sexa, Ethnicityb Reason for splenectomy Body Temp (°C) Spleen weight (grams)c Total plasma IgM (mg/dL) Plasmodium detection at surgery Time to commencement of prior treatment Malaria treatment after surgeryh First detected Plasmodium infection in the following 12 months Patient IDi
Peripheral RDT Microscopyd PCR
Peripheral blood Spleen blood Spleen histology Peripheral blood Spleen Month Microscopy PCR
32, M, NP trauma 36.8 228 (N) 108 neg neg neg neg neg neg - UT - - - 19*
22, F, H trauma 36.4 490 (S) N/A HRP2+Pan+ neg neg neg neg Pf 3 days (DHP+PQ)f DHP+PQ - - - 12
39, M, NP trauma 36.4 142 (N) <37.0 neg neg neg Pf neg Pf e - UT - - - 11#
41, F, H splenomegaly 36.3 1,918 (SS) 4200 neg neg neg Pf neg Pf e - UT 1 PvJ N/A 20#^
16, M, H trauma N/A 690 (S) 320 neg neg Pf (a) US Pf Pf - IV-ART, DHP 11 PvJ N/A 3^
41, M, H trauma 36.8 785 (S) 1,200 neg neg Pf (a) Pf Pf Pf - T 12 PfJ N/A 9^
20, M, L trauma 37.3 761 (S) 265 neg Pf (a) Pf (a) US Pf Pf 9.5 hours (IV-ART) IV-ART N/A N/A N/A 8
19, F, H trauma 36.6 424 (S) 318 neg Pf (a) Pf (a) US Pf Pf - T 2 neg Mix Pf Pv 13
12, F, L trauma 36.0 704 (S) N/A neg Pf (a) Pf (a) Pf N/A Pf - T N/A N/A N/A 14^
20, M, H trauma 36.3 658 (S) 269 HRP2+Pan+ Pf (a,g) Pf (a,g) Pf Pf Pf <1 month (DHP+PQ)g DHP+PQ 2–4 PvJ N/A 7^
15, M, L trauma 36.2 335 (S) 190 HRP2+Pan+ Pf (a,g) Pf (a,g) Pf Pf Pf 3 days (DHP+PQ)f DHP+PQ 2 PfJ N/A 5^
30, M, NP trauma 36.8 438 (S) 164 HRP2+Pan+ Pf (a) Pf (a) Pf Pf Pf - IV-ART, DHP+PQ 8 PvJ N/A 10^
15, M, H trauma 36.6 358 (S) 282 HRP2+Pan+ Pf (a,g) Pf (a,g) Pf Pf Pf - T 2 neg Pf 17*^
40, M, NP trauma 36.0 263 (S) 360 HRP2+Pan+ Pf (a,g) Pf (a,g) Pf Pf Pf - T 1 PvJ N/A 15^
28, M, L trauma 36.2 454 (S) 616 neg neg neg N/A Mix Pf Pv Mix Pf Pv - T 2–3 PvJ N/A 21
16, F, H splenomegaly 36.9 1,250 (SS) 221 neg neg neg Pv Pv Pv - T 1 PvJ N/A 16^
46, M, L trauma 37.0 279 (S) 72.4 neg neg neg Pv Pv Pv - DHP+PQf 1 PvJ N/A 4*^
25, F, NP trauma 36.9 80 (N) <37.0 N/A neg neg Pv Pv Pv - UT N/A N/A N/A 22^
19, M, NP trauma 36.0 130 (N) <37.0 neg neg neg Pv Pv Pv - UT N/A N/A N/A 18*^
24, F, NP trauma 36.5 300 (S) 96.0 neg neg Pv (a) Pv Pm Pv - DHP+PQ 11 PvJ N/A 2^
35, M, H trauma 36.0 211 (N) <37.0 neg neg Pv (a) US Pv Pv <1 month (DHP+PQ)g IV-ART, DHP+PQf 2 neg Pv 6
36, M, H trauma 36.5 446 (S) 153 neg Pv (a) Pv (a,g) Pv Pv Pv - IV-ART 1 PvJ N/A 1^

aM, male; F, female.

bH, highland Papuan; L, lowland Papuan; NP, non-Papuan.

cN, normal (<250 g); S, splenomegaly (250–1,000 g); SS, severe splenomegaly (>1,000 g).

dParasites in blood smears were staged into: a, asexual stages; g, gametocytes.

ePositive by histology and by real-time PCR only.

f1-day PQ dose (Pf).

g14-day PQ dose (Pv or mix).

hDHP, dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine; IV-ART, intravenous artesunate; PQ, primaquine; T, unknown treatment; UT, untreated.

iRefer to the following patient IDs when referred to in text and figures.

jSymptomatic malaria.

Total plasma IgM concentrations 2 standard deviations (SD) greater than the population mean (327 [SD = 385] mg/dL, n = 54 Timika matched-controls tested in parallel), a diagnostic criterion for hyperreactive malarial splenomegaly.

There were no differences in parameters assessed between those who did or did not receive prior antimalarial treatment, therefore all patients were pooled for analysis.

Some patients received transfusion (*<60 minutes; #>60 minutes) prior to sample collection. Transfused bloods were Plasmodium-negative by microscopy.

^Patients in previously published cohort [29].

None of the patients were seropositive for human immunodeficiency virus, and none had fever (≥37.5°C) or other malaria symptoms at surgery.

Refer to S4 Table for patient-automated blood counts.

Patients 18 and 22 died within 1 week after splenectomy due to multiple traumatic injuries. Patient 8 was lost to follow-up.

Missing data–patient 3 body temperature (not recorded); patient 12 IgM data (heparin blood not available); patient 14 IgM and PCR data (peripheral blood not available–peripheral RDT and slide results from hospital); patient 22 RDT result (not performed); PCR result at first recurrence (not tested for those with first recurrence identified from health facility records).

IgM, immunoglobulin M; N/A, not available (missing); Pf, P. falciparum; Pm, P. malariae; Pv, P. vivax; RDT, Rapid Diagnostic Test; US, unreadable slide.