Figure 18.
(A, B) Combinatorial strategy applied to microarray formation Reprinted with permission from ref (441). Copyright 2013 Wiley-VCH. (A) Schematic of the combinatorial design; (i) first generation array consists of 116 homopolymers, (ii) second generation array consisted of 324 copolymers formed by mixing 18 “hit” monomers pairwise, (iii) third generation array explored 13 “hit” compositions from the second generation array via incremental compositional variations, (iv) lead compositions from the third generation were selected for scale-up and additional testing. (B) Results from applying the microarray strategy from Hook et al.;441 (i) chemical structures of hit monomers selected from the 1st generation array; (ii) intensity scale image representing bacterial attachment averaged value (iota) for each of the materials in the 2nd generation array, the scale on the right is nonlinear to highlight the range of the array, the central square is the iota value, while the narrow columns to the left indicate standard deviation (n = 3), the major or minor monomer is indicated across the row or column, respectively; (iii) intensity scale image of the iota value for each of the materials in the third generation array, the monomers used are indicated to the left and right of the intensity scale, and refer to the monomers shown in (i), the content (%) of each of the monomers listed on the left is indicated in the top row. (C, D) Microarray fabrication. Reprinted with permission from ref (418). Copyright 2019 Elsevier, Ltd. (C) Representation of the spot-in-spot fabrication strategy, (i) ratio of monomer drops printed on each spot, (ii) schematic pattern of the printed microarray. (D) Results by Zhang et al.:418 (i) image of a microarray printed on a microscope slide with 28 × 87 polymer spots, (ii) corresponding fluorescent image of the spots, (iii) mosaic made with brightfield images of representative spots on the microarray, (iv) corresponding fluorescent images for the spots represented in (iii), (v) enlarged brightfield image of a feature with cells (red box in (iii)), (vi) enlarged fluorescent image of cells on a spot (red box in (iv)), scale bar = 200 μm.