Fig. 13. Immunostaining of isolated cells from paratenon, IFM, fascicles in vitro for expression of stem cell and vascular markers.
a-d: paratenon isolated cells; e-h: IFM isolated cells; i-l: fascicle isolated cells; a, e, i: CD73 staining; b, f, j: CD146 staining; c, g, k: CD105 staining; and d, h, l: CD31 staining. Cells isolated from the paratenon and IFM expressed markers CD73, CD146, CD105, and CD31 (a-d, e-h), while fascicle isolated cells only expressed CD73, CD146, and CD31 at minimal levels, and exhibited no expression of CD105 (i-l). Semi-quantification is displayed in figure m, **p < 0.001 (fascicles compared to both paratenon and IFM). White bars: 100 μm.