Dynamics of charge-carrier
localization in Cs2AgBiBr6. (a) OPTP photoconductivity
transients for a Cs2AgBiBr6 thin film, measured
at the temperatures shown
in the legend under an excitation fluence of 10.1 μ J cm–2. For clarity, transients at successively decreasing
temperatures are offset vertically by 2 × 10–3. The gray lines depict fits based on a two-level charge-carrier
mobility model, as described in the main text. (b) Room-temperature
normalized PL upconversion transients measured at 2.76 eV (blue diamonds),
2.25 eV (green squares), and 1.94 eV (red triangles). The solid lines
are stretched exponential fits to the transients (empty markers) of
the corresponding colors. The dotted black line indicates zero intensity;
negative intensities are an artifact of background subtraction. (c)
Time dependence of charge-carrier density, n, after
photoexcitation, as derived from OPTP photoconductivity (green squares),
PL upconversion (red triangles), and TCSPC (blue circles) measurements.
The latter two transients are scaled to line up with the terahertz
transient, which is normalized at its maximum intensity point. (d)
Schematic of the two-level mobility model used to fit the OPTP decays
in (a). The fixed parameters are shown in black, while parameters
that are fitted and extracted from the model are shown in blue. After
being initially photoexcited to the delocalized state (pink), the
charge carriers localize to the localized state (green) before recombining.