Table 4.
Synthesis of the psychometric properties of each tool used in the EVACO battery.
Instrument | Distribution | Floor | Ceil | Internal consistency | Sensitivity to change | Cross-sectional link with outcome | Longitudinal link with outcome |
SPEX- BA V1 | NA | NA | A | NA | U | NA | NA |
SPEX- BA V2 | NA | NA | A | NA | U | NA | NA |
SPEX- GA V1 | NA | NA | NA | NA | U | NA | NA |
SPEX- GA V2 | NA | NA | A | NA | U | NA | NA |
TREF | A | A | A | A | A | Aa,b | NA |
V-SIR | A | A | A | A | NA | Ab | NA |
V-Comics V1 | NA | A | NA | A | U | Ab | A |
V-Comics V2 | NA | A | NA | A | U | NA | NA |
QCAE affective | A | A | A | NA | NA | Ac | NA |
QCAE cognitive | A | A | A | A | NA | NA | NA |
A acceptable, NA not acceptable, U unknown,
aSignificant relationship with quality of life.
bSignificant relationship beyond neurocognition.
cSignificant relationship beyond symptoms.
SPEX-BA & GA social cognition, perception, executive functions—belief & goal attribution sensitivities, TREF test de reconnaissance des émotions faciales—facial emotions recognition task, V-SIR versailles-situational intention reading, V-Comics versailles intention attribution task, QCAE questionnaire of cognitive and affective empathy.