Spherical equivalent of children depending on their lifestyles before and after confinement: (a) depending on the time spent outdoors classified as low (under 1.6 h a day), moderate (between 1.6 and 2.7 h a day), and high (more than 2.7 h a day) times; (b) depending on the time spent doing near activities, divided into low (less than two hours a day), moderate (between two and three hours a day), and high (more than three hours a day) times; (c) depending on the time with digital devices classified as low (less than 25% of the near-work time), moderate (between 25% and 50% of the near-work time), and high (more than 50% of the near-work time) times. The box was determined by Q1 (1st quartile) and Q3 (3rd quartile) and the whiskers were determined by Q3 + 1.5 IQR (upper whisker) and Q1—1.5 IQR (lower whisker).