Figure 4.
Differentially expressed circRNAs in testes tissues of young (Piglet-D30) and sexually mature (Adult-D210) boars. Significantly differently expressed circRNAs in the testis tissues of young and sexually mature Landrace breeding boars, with upregulated circRNAs on the left and downregulated circRNAs on the right. p Value < 0.05, and log2 (fold change) > 1 or log2 (fold change) < −1 (A). Volcano plot of significantly differently expressed circRNA, where red represents the upregulated circRNAs and blue represents the downregulated circRNAs (B). Analysis of the proportion of circRNA processing different numbers of miRNA targets (C). Heat map showing the changes of the first 100 significantly differently expressed circRNAs in the testis tissues of young and sexually mature Landrace breeding boars. Red represents upregulation and blue represents downregulation (D).