BMAL1-KD induced morphological changes on CRC cell lines. (A) Cells were viewed using phase contrast microscopy at the objective 20×. Compared to the control (Ctr) cells, CRC cells formed densely packed clones in the three BMAL1-KD CRC cell lines (white arrows). Morphological changes were most prominent in SW480 BMAL1-KD cells, with loss of an elongated and spindle-shaped morphology and acquisition of a typical epithelial shape with a cobblestone-like morphology. Scale bars, 50 μm. (B) F-actin distribution profile was analyzed by fluorescence microscopy with phalloidin (green). Nuclei staining with DAPI (blue) was inserted at the top-left of each image. Scale bars, 15 μm. The F-actin distribution profile was similar to those of E-cadherin and β-catenin in BMAL1-KD CRC cells, revealing a specific honeycomb-like epithelial organization of the adhesion belts delineated by E-cadherin, β-catenin, and F-actin.