Cell (A) viability (n = 6), (B) apoptosis (n = 4) and (C) proliferation (n = 3) in untreated or SAMe-treated NHCs and PHCs. (D) mRNA levels of epithelial and polarity markers in the presence/absence of SAMe. (E) Immunoblot and quantification of acetylated oi-tubulin in cultured PHCs, in the presence/absence of SAMe (n = 6). (F) Immunofluorescence images of acetylated α-tubulin in PHCs (primary dlium in green and nucleus in blue) in the presence/absence of SAMe (n = 24) (scale bars: 20 μm, 4 μm [cropped]). *p <0.05; **p <0.01; ***p <0.001 (one-way ANOVA Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney or 2-tailed t-tests). NHCs, normal human cholangiocytes; PHCs, polycystic human cholangiocytes; SAMe, S-adenosylmethionine.