Autophagy-related candidate genes selection and validation from radiation-resistant U87MG and GBM 8401. (A) Quantification of CSCs-related genes (CD133, CD44 and Nestin) and autophagic genes (P62 and LC3II) after receiving radiation on U87MG and GBM 8401 cell line. All cells were treated with either a single dose of 2Gy or five fractions of 2Gy, and then incubated for 72 h. (B) Temporal alteration of the expression of autophagic genes (P62 and LC3II) after receiving five fractions of 2Gy or a single dose of 10Gy radiation on U87MG and GBM 8401 cells. (C) Temporal alteration of the expression of CSCs-related genes (CD133, CD44 and Nestin) after receiving either five fractions of 2Gy or a single dose of 10Gy on U87MG and GBM 8401 cells. (D) Protein level alterations of CSCs-related genes (CD133, CD44 and Nestin) and autophagic genes (P62 and LC3II) after receiving the indicated radiation doses in 72 h. GAPDH were used as an internal control. Bar graphs represent mean of triplicates ± SD. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.005 compared with the 2 Gy × 5 times (10 Gy-fraction) group. # p < 0.05, ## p < 0.01, ### p < 0.005 compared with the 10 Gy × 1 time (10 Gy-only) group.