AP-3 is the dominant AP complex used to target ATP8A1 to LBs. (A) Representative composite immunoblot (n = 3) of lysates from MLE15/WT, MLE15/ΔAP3, MLE15/ΔAP1, and MLE15/ΔAP1-ΔAP3 cells. (B) Representative confocal images of MLE15/WT, MLE15/ΔAP3, MLE15/ΔAP1, and MLE15/ΔAP1-ΔAP3 cells expressing mCherry-ABCA3 and GFP-ATP8A1-WT. (Scale bar, 10 μm.) (C) Pearson’s correlation coefficients acquired from images described in B (n = 2; 10 to 20 cells per group, mean ± SD).