Table 1.
Mean interference effects (incongruent - neutral RT) and participant demographics across groups in a study examining the effects of bilingual experience and music experience on cognitive control.
Bilinguals (N = 43) | Musicians (N = 42) | Bilingual Musicians (N = 69) | Control (N = 65) | |
Interference (ms; Simon)* | 14.47 (2.58) | 17.16 (2.66) | 16.71 (2.34) | 28.68 (2.58) |
Age (years)* | 22.30 (4.05) | 22.21 (3.42) | 20.60 (2.86) | 22.88 (4.03) |
IQ (WASI)* | 109.16 (8.59) | 114.74 (9.92) | 113.55 (9.56) | 111.67 (11.39) |
Digit Span (CTOPP)* | 16.12 (3.00) | 17.69 (1.54) | 17.47 (2.76) | 17.55 (2.46) |
Note. Values in parentheses represent standard errors of mean differences for Interference and standard deviations for Age, IQ, and Digit Span. Asterisks indicate significant group differences at p < .05. Adapted from Schroeder et al., 2016.