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. 2021 May 27;56(1):215–232. doi: 10.1007/s41775-021-00113-w

Table 6.

Explaining Covid-19 tests in India with the help of governance and development variables [Dependent Variable: Log(tests)]

Variables Coefficient SE t-Stat
Constant 1.471 0.209 7.029**
Log(tests(−1)) 0.839 0.008 106.35**
Log(TCR) 0.089 0.018 4.873**
Log(IMR) − 0.083 0.038 − 2.192*
Log(urban) 0.044 0.021 2.125*
R-square 0.91
Adjusted R-square 0.91
F-statistic 3864.10**

Source: Estimated by the authors on the basis of secondary data

*Implies statistical significance at 5% while **Implies the same at 1%