Results for the strength (A–C), jumping (D–I), and running sprint (J-L) performances presented as mean ± SD (C,D,F,G,I) and as median and interquartile range (A,B,E,H,J–L) for the junior (Jun) and senior (Sen) female and male athletes and the combined group of female and male athletes. Abbreviations: SJ, squat jump; CMJ, countermovement jump; DJ, drop jump; reps max, the maximum number of repetitions; Fem, females; Mal, males; Hg, Hedges' g effect size. F-values, P-values, and partial eta squared effect size (), were obtained by a two-way ANOVA. #Main effect of sex. $Main effect of age group. £Main effect for interaction between sex and age group. In case of a significant interaction effect, a within-sex-group comparison of Jun vs. Sen was performed with an independent t-test (D,F) with significant results being reported. In (A,B,E,H,J–L), P-values were obtained with a Mann-Whitney U-test presented together with an R effect size, and separate within-sex-group comparisons between juniors and seniors were performed using a Mann-Whitney U-test with significant results being reported. The numbers located at the bottom of each of the four bars indicate the number of participants (n) in the specific test.