Fig 3.
Patient 6. Fungal abscess due to Aspergillus infection.
A, On Gd-enhanced T1-weighted imaging, the lesion is ring enhancing.
B, On FLAIR imaging, the lesion is hyperintense to brain parenchyma, without surrounding edema.
C and D, DWI (C) and ADC (D) images show homogeneously decreased diffusion in the center of the lesion.
E, Hematoxylin-eosin stain (100×) shows a lesion discrete from brain with a well-defined capsule (arrows). Lesions were composed of granulomatous chronic inflammation with numerous histiocytes and giant cells engulfing fungal organisms (asterisk).
F, Methenamine silver stain (250×) shows fungal organisms (arrow) with 45° angle branching, consistent with Aspergillus infection.