Threshold receptor density
of IAV particles binding to receptor
gradients as a function of time in 4 corrals. (a) Development of the
average fluorescence intensity over time in 100 μm corrals of
a mixed corral flow cell with 2,6-S(LN)3 gradients on 0.5%
biotin-DOPE. The shaded area indicates the standard error between
corrals. After 930 min of PR8, the solution was changed to 200 mM
Zanamivir, the flow rate to 10 μL/min and micrographs were taken
every min. After 960 min, the solution was changed to PBS without
NA inhibitor. (b) Development of virus binding profile over time (from
30 to 930 min). The time between frames was 30 min. The median fluorescence
intensity of the virus was normalized to the highest value in the
last frame. (c) Development of the threshold receptor density over
time. Error bars show the standard deviation between corrals. From
360 min onward, the threshold density does not differ significantly
from that of the last frame. This point is indicated with an arrow
in both a and b. *: p < 0.05, **: p < 0.01, ***: p < 0.001. (d) Individually
normalized virus binding profiles from 360 min onward.