Threshold densities of IAV particles binding to receptor
observed for different chip layouts and biotin densities. (a) Mean
threshold receptor density for corrals of different sizes on gradients
from 0.5% biotin-DOPE, determined for 24, 11, and 4 corrals. Error
bars indicate 95% confidence interval. n.s.: not significant, *: p < 0.05. (b) Mean threshold receptor density on gradients
prepared from different percentages of biotin-DOPE in 100 μm
corrals, determined for 36, 24, and 46 corrals. Error bars indicate
95% confidence interval. ***: p < 0.001. (c) Mean
threshold receptor density on 0.3% biotin-DOPE in 100 μm corrals
for different positions in the microchannel (A–C, Figure 1a), determined for
8, 6, and 8 corrals. Gradients in A and C are with the direction of
the flow through the channel; B is against the flow. Error bars indicate
95% confidence interval. n.s.: not significant. (d) Median lateral
intensity profiles of SAv on gradients prepared from different percentages
of biotin-DOPE in a 100 μm corral, without the edges removed
from the image. (e) Median lateral intensity profiles
of SAv (green) and ATTO 565-biotin (red) fluorescence on 0.5% biotin-DOPE
over four 100 μm corrals, normalized to the average of the first
and last 20 points of the median.