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. 2021 May 13;12:659736. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.659736


vip3-type gene distribution in Bt isolates from different countries.

S. No. Country Isolates (number) Gene size (bp) % Gene frequency Isolation source References
1 United States 125 652 23.32 Soil and grain dust Rice (1999)
2 India 49 700 2 Soil Selvapandiyan et al. (2001)
3 Brazil 12 150, 1210 100 Soil Loguercio et al. (2002)
4 France and 31 countries of 5 continents 125 678 52.8 Soil, plants, animal waste, dust, insects, etc. Espinasse et al. (2003)
5 Costa Rica 105 74 Soil, Foliage, Leaf litter Arrieta et al. (2004)
6 Costa Rica 146 54 Soil, leaf litter, fresh leaves, other material of forest area Arrieta and Espinoza (2006)
7 Tunisia 256 419 30 Soil Mesrati et al. (2005)
8 China 606 1456 63.03 Not mentioned Liu et al. (2007)
9 Australia 187 1621 87 Soil, bird nest, and grain dust Beard et al. (2008)
10 Iran 70 1000 82.6 Soil, leaf samples, and dead insects Seifinejad et al. (2008)
11 Spain and Bolivia 507 1621 48.9 Soil from Agricultural, Mountain, Wetland and Forest, fodder and grain from silos and mills, olive factory, Tuber warehouse, Insects, damaged crops, wine factory, dung, etc. Hernández-Rodríguez et al. (2009),Hernández-Rodríguez and Ferré (2009)
12 Tunisia 212 670–2370 30 Soil Sellami et al. (2013)
13 China 2,134 364, 444 67.4 Soil from Mountain, Forest Farmland and snowcapped mountain Yu et al. (2011b)
14 Western Saudi Arabia 8 2300 37.5 Agricultural and urban soil, dead larvae Abulreesh et al. (2012)
15 India 39 1113 12.5% Not mentioned Shingote et al. (2013)
16 India 44 700 43.18 Lake sediments, forest soil, and maize field Lone et al. (2016)
17 India 150 675 5.33 Soil/infected insects Rangeshwaran et al. (2016)
18 Argentia 268 608 91.3 Soil, spider web, leaves, dust, dead larvae Sauka and Benintende (2017)
19 Algeria 137 1395 69.3 Lake sediments, rhizospheric and non-rhizospheric soil, dead insects, and stored grain Djenane et al. (2017)
20 India 15 1400 40 Soil from tea and rice field Rabha et al. (2018)
21 Turkey 80 1395 23 Soil, fruits, and fig leaves Şahin et al. (2018)
22 Sri Lanka 21 1029 42 Soil Baragamaarachchi et al. (2019)
23 Thailand 511 1591 47.55 Soil Boonmee et al. (2019)