Fig 6. DEM1 and DEM2 are required for normal megagametophyte development in Arabidopsis.
(A-D) Defective female gametophytes produced in DEM1/dem1 dem2/dem2 plants (Ws-0 genetic background). Developing ovules were observed as cleared whole mounts. (A-B) Four cell embryo (white arrowhead) and mononucleate embryo sac (black arrowhead) in two adjacent ovules. (C-D) Two cell embryo (white arrowhead) and di-nucleate embryo sac (black arrowheads) in two adjacent ovules. (E) Percentage of mononucleate and di-nucleate embryo sacs in self-fertilized wild-type and DEM1/dem1 dem2/dem2 plants of ecotype Ws-0. At least 200 ovules were assayed, involving at least three separate plants for each genotype. X-axis represents the copy number of DEM1 and DEM2 wild-type alleles in each genotype.