Residential |
Residential district, business residential district |
Residential quarters, dormitories, villas, etc |
Commercial and business facilities |
Shopping services, life services, automobile services, catering services, accommodation services, leisure and entertainment, finance |
Supermarkets, shopping centers, shopping streets, Chinese restaurants, foreign restaurants, star hotels, express hotels, cinemas, banks, ATM, credit cooperatives, etc |
Industrial |
Incorporated business, industrial and mining factory building, parks |
Companies, factories, science and technology parks, industrial parks, etc |
Administration and public services |
Government agencies and social organizations, health care, public facilities |
Government agencies, social organizations, public security organs, industrial and commercial tax authorities, hospitals, emergency centers, railway stations, airports, docks, etc |
Science and education |
Institutions of higher learning, vocational colleges, middle schools, primary schools, scientific and educational places, cultural media |
Universities, middle schools, primary schools, kindergartens, vocational colleges, museums, libraries, art museums, archives, cultural palace, overseas study agencies, scientific research institutions, training institutions, etc |
Green space |
Tourist attractions, Park Square |
Scenic spots, zoos, botanical gardens, parks, squares, churches, temples, etc |