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. 2020 Oct 21;14(3):370–375. doi: 10.4103/aer.AER_53_20

Annexure 1.

Knowledge, attitude, and practices survey questionnaire


Statement Yes No Not always
Do you know donning and doffing of PPE practices for health-care professionals? Yes No Not always
Have you received any formal “training or demonstration” regarding donning and doffing of PPE kits? Yes No Not always
Do you know the complete procedure of donning and doffing of PPE in health-care facility? Yes No Not always
Do you know all the components of PPE kits used in your facility? Yes No Not always
Do you understand the sensitivity and importance of donning and doffing? Yes No Not always
Are you aware that virus dispersion occurs more commonly during doffing Yes No Not always


Statement Yes No Not always

Do you think donning and doffing of PPE is a critical process that must be taken seriously by health-care professionals? Yes No Not always
Do you follow strictly the methodical way of donning and doffing of PPE? Yes No Not always
Do you think donning and doffing practices are more hyped than it should be especially in COVID-19 areas? Yes No Not always
Do you find it inconvenient to care for your patients after donning, that you think of letting go your safety guard? Yes No Not always
Do you think, donning and doffing is more important only when posted in COVID-19 area otherwise it is not of much value? Yes No Not always
Do you think your facility is adequately equipped with all resources and space required for methodical donning and doffing practices? Yes No Not always
Do you think if other health-care workers/colleagues working in same area are not following proper procedure of donning and doffing of PPE, it affects your behavior also? Yes No Not always
Do you agree that strict donning and doffing practices would wear off if the pandemic continues for a very long period of years? Yes No Not always


Statement Yes No Not always

In this ongoing COVID pandemic, do you do donning/doffing in all COVID-suspected patients? Yes No
Do you do donning/doffing in all patients undergoing any surgery or airway related procedures? Yes No
Which of the following instructions do you follow before donning PPE kits?
 Get enough water intake to remain hydrated Yes No Not always
 I always get all my jewelry/mobile or other personal belongings removed Yes No Not always
 I always wash/sanitize my hands, before touching any PPE component Yes No Not always
Which of the following things you do during donning procedure of PPE kits?
 I always perform donning procedure before entering the patient’s room Yes No Not always
 I always visually check the integrity of the components of PPE kits before donning procedure Yes No Not always
 Can I move out of patient care area after donning PPE? Yes No Not always
 I always put the gown first before putting the first pair of gloves Yes No Not always
 I use respirator or N-95 mask followed by eye goggles/face shield Yes No Not always
Which of the following things you do during doffing procedure of PPE kits?
 I always appoint an observer with checklist while performing doffing procedure to avoid breach of technique Yes No Not always
 Should there always be a specified doffing area in all patient care complexes? Yes No Not always
 I always remove gloves first during doffing procedure using glove-in-glove technique without sanitizing the gloves Yes No Not always
 I remove gown after removing inner pair of gloves Yes No Not always
 I turn the gown inside-out during removal to get the infected side packed inside of gown Yes No Not always
 I move out from the doffing area after removal of gloves and N95 mask Yes No Not always
 Do I sanitize my hands/gloves before and after each step of doffing procedure Yes No Not always

PPE=Personal protective equipment