(A–F) H&E-stained sections of control (A and D; n = 3) or Slc34a1CreERT2 Lats1/2c/c RosaTomato kidneys 2 weeks after tamoxifen and vehicle (B and E; n = 4) or tamoxifen and verteporfin (C and F; n = 2 survived to 14 days). D–F are high-magnification images of the sections in A–C, respectively. (G–L) Immunofluorescence staining on sections of control (G and J) or Slc34a1CreERT2 Lats1/2c/c RosaTomato kidneys 2 weeks after tamoxifen and vehicle (H and K) or tamoxifen and verteporfin (I and L). (G–I) Blue, DAPI; green, Sm22a; red, Tomato; white, LTL. (J–L) Single-channel (Sm22a) corresponding with G–I, respectively. Lats mutant lesions express both Tomato and Sm22a (H and K, arrows), and such lesions are markedly reduced in the cortexes of mutant kidneys treated with verteporfin (I and L). Scale bars: (A–C) 900 μm, (D–L) 100 μm.