Figure 5: Effect of diuretics in Prss8-S238A and Prss8-R44Q mutant mice.
A Natriuretic response expressed as urinary Na/K ratio to the acute administration of vehicle (V, injectable water, 5μL g−1) or the ENaC inhibitor triamterene (T, 10 μg g−1). Urine was collected for 6 hours.
B, C Effect of a four day treatment with the ENaC inhibitor triamterene on urine output and urinary sodium/potassium ratio.
D, E Course of body weight as well as fluid and food intake during triamterene treatment.
F Kaplan-Meier curve for the probability to reaching the end point weight loss greater than 25% of the baseline value which prompted termination of the experiment and euthanasia in that particular mice.
G-I Effect of a four day treatment with the NKCC2 inhibitor furosemide or the NCC inhibitor HCT on urine output, natriuresis and body weight.
abbreviations: C control, V vehicle, T triamterene, Furo furosemide, HCT hydrochlorothiazide
# indicates significant difference between control and diuretic treatment, * indicates significant difference between the genotypes