Figure 1. Forest Plots of Associations Between Smoking-Related Factors and Second Primary Lung Cancer in the Multiethnic Cohort.
The smoking-SPLC associations were evaluated among (A) all IPLC cases (N=7,059) and (B) early-stage (I-III) IPLC cases (N=2,806). Smoking-related data were collected from the baseline questionnaire or 10-year follow-up questionnaire prior to IPLC diagnosis, if available. Meeting the 2013 USPSTF criteria was determined at IPLC diagnosis. All variables were evaluated in individual cause-specific proportional hazards models accounting for the competing risk of death. Models for all-stage IPLC cases adjusted for age at IPLC diagnosis, IPLC histology, and IPLC stage; models for early-stage IPLC cases adjusted for age at IPLC diagnosis and IPLC histology. Abbreviations: SPLC second primary lung cancer, IPLC initial primary lung cancer, N sample size, USPSTF United States Preventive Services Task Force, HR hazard ratio, CI confidence interval, vs. versus.