Table 2.
Type of resistance exercise and intensity | Exercise performed | Cohort | Contraction Variables | CBF metrics | VM | CBF response | MAP response | |
Braz et al. [66] |
Type: Static Intensity: 40% of MVC |
Unilateral handgrip |
Mean age: 20 n: 10 Healthy males |
Duration: Until task failure Number: 1 |
Contralateral MCAv | No | Increase in MCAvmean only when PETCO2 was clamped 1 mm Hg above resting. No change during control | Gradual increase up to task failure |
Fernandes et al. [67] |
Type: Static Intensity: 30% MVC |
Unilateral hand grip |
Mean age: 27 n: 9 Healthy recreationally active males |
Duration: 2 min Number: 1 |
Bilateral ICA blood flow. Average across last 30s of contraction. | No | Increase in Contralateral ICA blood flow only | Elevated from baseline |
Friedman et al. [68] |
Type: Static Intensity: 10 and 20% of MVC. |
Unilateral handgrip |
Mean age: 30 n: 8 Healthy participants (2 females) |
Duration: 4.5 min Number: 3 |
Regional and hemispheric CBF via Xenon inhalation with rotating single photon tomograph | No | No change in hemispheric CBF. Increase in premotor and motor sensory blood flow bilaterally. | Mean ~7 mm and 14 mm Hg increase during 10% and 20% MVC, respectively |
Giller et al. [69] |
Type: Rhythmic Intensity: volitional maximum |
Unilateral handgrip |
Mean age: 34 n: 20 Healthy participants (7 females) |
Duty cycle: 1Hz Number: Continuous for 5 min |
Bilateral MCAv – averaged over the last 2 minutes of exercise | No | Bilateral increase in MCAvmean–Mean increase of 13% and 10% for contralateral and ipsilateral MCAvmean respectively | 24% increase |
Hartwich et al. [70] |
Type: Rhythmic Intensity: 10, 25 and 40% of MVC |
Unilateral hand grip |
Mean age: 22 n: 9 Healthy recreationally active participants (1 female) |
Duration: 7 min Duty cycle: 1s contraction - 2s relaxation |
Contralateral MCAv | No | No change across all intensities investigated | No change across all intensities investigated |
Hirasawa et al. [71] |
Type: Static Intensity: 30% of MVC |
Unilateral leg extension |
Mean age: 21 n: 12 Healthy Participants (8 females) |
Duration: 2 min Number: 1 |
Contralateral ICA blood flow and MCAv, ipsilateral ECA blood flow. Measured in 30s bins | No | Increased ICA flow throughout contraction. MCAvmean increased from 60s and was maintained | Gradual increase and plateaus after 90s. |
Imms et al. [72] | Type: Static Intensity: 40% MVC | Unilateral handgrip |
Age range: 18-38 n: 27 Healthy participants (6 females) |
Duration: 2 min Number: 1 |
Contralateral MCAv | No | Increase in MCAvmean by 17.5% in participants that did not hyperventilate. Participants that hyperventilated and reduced PETCO2 by 8–15 mm Hg showed a non-significant increase in MCAvmean of ~2 cm.s-1 | Mean increase of 39 mm Hg |
Ide et al. [73] | Type: Rhythmic Intensity: 20% MVC | Unilateral handgrip |
Mean age: 31 n: 9 Sex and training status not reported |
Duty cycle: 1 Hz Duration: 5 min |
Bilateral MCAv | No | Contralateral increase in MCAvmean of 13% with a smaller 6% increase on the ipsilateral side | 12 mm Hg increase |
Jørgensen et al. [74] | Type: Rhythmic Intensity: Not specified. | Unilateral handgrip |
Mean age: 27 n: 12 (7 females) |
Duty cycle: 30 contractions per minute Duration: 5 min |
Bilateral MCAv, sampled every 30s | No | 20% and 24% increase in contralateral MCAvmean during right and left hand contractions respectively. No change in ipsilateral MCAvmean observed in either conditions. | 20 mm Hg increase in |
Jørgensen et al. [75] |
Type: Static Intensity: 30% of MVC. |
Unilateral Knee extension |
Median age: 33 n: 11 (2 females) |
Duration: 5 min Number: 1 |
Bilateral MCAv—data collected each minute over exercise. Xenon clearance technique and measured during 3 minutes of exercise. | No | No change in MCAvmean or CBF in either hemisphere. | 16 mm Hg increase during exercise |
Kim et al. [76] |
Type: Rhythmic Intensity: 65% of MVC |
Unilateral handgrip |
Mean age: 25 n: 7 Healthy recreationally active males |
Duty cycle: 2s contraction with 4s rest Number: continuous for10 min |
Contralateral MCAv | No | Maintained increase in MCAvmean at 5 and 10 minutes during exercise | Sustained ~20% increase in MAP throughout exercise |
Linkis et al. [77] | Type: Rhythmic Intensity: Not specified for handgrip. Load of 4.8kg for foot movements | Unilateral handgrip and foot movements |
Mean age: 26 n: 14 (6 females) |
Duty cycle: 1 Hz Duration: 15 min |
Bilateral MCAv and ACAv | No | 19% increase in contralateral MCAvmean during hand contractions. 23% increase in contralateral ACAvmean during foot movements and 11% increase in ipsilateral MCAvmean and ACAvmean | 17 mm Hg increase in MAP during hand contractions. 10 mm Hg increase during foot movements |
Ogoh et al. [78] |
Type: Static Intensity: 30% of MVC. |
Unilateral handgrip |
Mean age: 22 n: 9 Healthy participants (4 females) |
Duration: 2 min Number: 1 |
Ipsilateral MCAv | No | Mean 9 cm.s-1 increase in MCAv. Static resistance exercise did not modify dynamic cerebral autoregulation | Mean 16 mm Hg increase |
Pott et al. [79] | Type: Static Intensity: 100% of MVC | Bilateral leg extension |
Mean age: 28 n: 10 Healthy participants (4 females) |
Duration: 15s Number: 2 |
Unilateral MCAv and tissue oxygenation via NIRS | One bout with normal ventilation and one bout with a VM | Dependent upon VM recruitment. With continued ventilation MCAvmean increased initially and then declined to baseline values. | Lower MAP when ventilation was maintained. |
Perry et al. [45] |
Type: Static Intensity: 50% of MVC. |
Bilateral leg extension |
Mean age: 28 n: 11 Healthy recreationally active participants (2 females) |
Duration: 15s Number: 2 |
MCAv, PCAv and VA blood flow | One bout with normal ventilation and one bout with a VM | Larger initial increase in MCAv during exercise without a VM. Both MCAv and PCAv elevated throughout exercise. No difference in VA blood flow between re with and without VM. | No initial difference in MAP increase at exercise onset with and without VM. After ~10s MAP is significantly greater with concurrent VM |
Vianna et al. [80] | Type: Static and rhythmic Intensity: 35% of MVC | Unilateral calf exercise (plantarflexion) |
Mean age: 24 n: 16 Healthy participants (4 females) |
Duty cycle: rhythmic 0.5s contraction, 0.5s relaxation Number: not stated |
Contralateral ACAv | No | Similar mean increase in ACAvmean of 15% during static and rhythmic | Similar increases in MAP during both types of exercise |
Washio et al. [81] |
Type: Static Intensity: 30% of MVC. |
Unilateral handgrip |
Mean age of entire cohort: 21 n: 11 Healthy male participants |
Duration: until exhaustion (<90% of workload) Number: 1 |
Ipsilateral PCAv and VA blood flow from various sides. Averaged over the last 30s of exercise. | No | Mean ~3 cm.s-1 increase in PCAv. Mean ~ 38 ml.min-1 increase in VA blood flow | Mean ~25 mm Hg increase |
Washio et al. [82] |
Type: Static Intensity: 30% of MVC. |
Unilateral handgrip |
Mean age: 25 n: 9 Healthy male participants |
Duration: 3 min Number: 1 |
Contralateral MCAv and ipsilateral VA blood flow. Averaged over the last 30s of exercise. | No | No change in MCAv. Mean ~35 ml.min-1 increase in VA blood flow | Non-significant mean increase of 28 mm Hg |
Yamaguchi Et al. [83] |
Type: Static Intensity: 30% of MVC. |
Unilateral handgrip |
Mean age: 25 n: 17 Healthy male participants |
Duration: 2 min Number: 1 |
Contralateral PCAv | No | Mean 4 cm.s-1 increase in PCAv. | Mean ~19 mm Hg increase |
MVC maximal voluntary contraction, ACAv anterior cerebral artery blood velocity, MCAv middle cerebral artery blood velocity, PCAv posterior cerebral artery blood velocity, PETCO2 partial pressure of end-tidal carbon dioxide, MAP mean arterial blood pressure, RM repetition maximum, VA vertebral artery, ICA internal carotid artery, ECA external carotid blood flow, CBF cerebral blood flow, VM Valsalva manoeuvre