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. 2021 May 19;11(5):1461. doi: 10.3390/ani11051461

Table 3.

Logistic regression models for pacing presence (‘motor’ SB subcategory) 1.

Independent Variables Unadjusted Odds Ratio and p-Value Adjusted Odds Ratio * 95% CI * p-Value * Positively and Significantly Predicts Pacing? *
(Result the Same if Age, Sex and Scanning Level not Controlled for?)
Flipping presence vs. absence
(rarely scanned group)
0.33 (0.985) 0.31 0.11–0.87 0.987 No
(Unadjusted relationship is also negative)
Flipping presence vs. absence
(moderately scanned group)
1.28 (0.261) 1.07 0.49–2.34 0.436 No
(Unadjusted relationship is also positive and non-significant)
Flipping presence vs. absence
(frequently scanned group)
1.47 (0.201) 1.29 0.52–3.20 0.289 No
(Unadjusted relationship is also positive and non-significant)
Twirling presence vs. absence 3.23 (<0.001) 1.66 0.48–5.70 0.210 No
(Unadjusted relationship is positive and significant)
Swinging presence vs. absence 1.84 (0.005) 0.77 0.32–1.83 0.723 No
(Unadjusted relationship is positive and significant)
Bouncing presence vs. absence 0.69 (0.989) 0.27 0.13–0.58 0.999 No
(Unadjusted relationship is also negative)
Head-twisting presence vs. absence 4.77 (<0.001) 2.89 0.96–8.73 0.029 Yes
(Unadjusted relationship is also positive and significant)
Rocking presence vs. absence
(rarely scanned group)
0.11 (0.999) 0.12 0.03–0.49 0.998 No
(Unadjusted relationship is also negative)
Rocking presence vs. absence
(moderately scanned group)
0.41 (0.999) 0.45 0.25–0.79 0.997 No
(Unadjusted relationship is also negative)
Rocking presence vs. absence
(frequently scanned group)
0.64 (0.883) 0.66 0.32–1.36 0.871 No
(Unadjusted relationship is also negative)

* Adjusted for sex, age, and scanning level. 1 One-tailed p-values are reported here. Significant p-values for adjusted positive relationships are bolded for emphasis.