Table 5.
Ref | Skin Cancer Diagnoses |
Classifier and Training Algorithm | Dataset | Description | Results (%) |
[59] | Melanoma/nevus/normal skin | SOM and feed-forward NN | 50 skin lesion images | PCA for decreasing spectra’s dimensionality | Accuracy (96–98) |
[60] | BCC, SCC, and melanoma | SOM and RBF | DermQuest and Dermnet datasets | 15 features consisting of GCM morphological and color features were extracted | Accuracy (93.15) |
[61] | Cancerous/noncancerous | Modified KNN | 500 lesion images | Automated Otsu method of thresholding for segmentation | Accuracy (98.3) |
SOM = Self organizing map; PCA = Principal component analysis; GCM = Generalized co-occurrence matrices; RBF = Radial Basis Function; KNN = Kohonen self-organizing neural network.