rings and paxillin adhesions on P3HT micropillars. (a) Time-lapse
sequence of stable F-actin structures around the pillars. Additionally,
the formation of a fourth ring can be observed. (b,b′) F-actin
ring-like accumulations formed around the micropillars indicate membrane
wrapping. (c,c′) These structures often overlapped with paxillin-rich
adhesions (zoomed-in inset; green puncta). Images in (b′,c′)
are Z-stack orthogonal projections of 30 slices (400 and 200 nm thickness,
respectively), along the dashed lines in images (b,c). Scale bars:
(a–c′) 5 μm; inset 2 μm. Cells in (a,b)
were transfected with a fluorescent F-actin marker (Lifeact-RFP).
Cells in image (c) were stained with TRITC-phalloidin (actin, red)
and anti-paxillin antibodies (green).